“Quality Updates- 2004 and Beyond”
Home Health Quality Initiatives and Publicly Reported Data; HIPAA; Impact of the Nursing Shortage on Quality; JCAHO Review Process, Public Reporting Web Site, Patient Safety
Saturday January 10, 2004
8:00am – 4:00pm
The Hampton Inn
Natick, MA
7:45-8:30 Registration & Breakfast (included)
8:30-9:30 HIPAA- Post Transaction Go Live Status and Upcoming Security Needs
– Ken Fody
9:30-10:30 Impact of the Nursing Shortage on Healthcare Quality– Kathy McHugh
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 The New JCAHO Review Process-“Shared Visions – New Pathways”
– Rick Croteau, MD
12:15-1:15 Luncheon (included)
1:15-2:30 Breakout Sessions I
A. JCAHO Web Site for Public Reporting – Rick Croteau, MD
B. Meeting the Challenge of OBQI and Publicly Reported Data
– Margaret Johnson
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Breakout Sessions II
A. JCAHO & the National Patient Safety Goals – Rick Croteau, MD
B. Home Care Quality – A National Agenda Maureen Schnider
3:45-4:00 Evaluations & Wrap-up
Ken Fody, JD is an attorney at Healthlink, Inc with project management skills and legal experience in areas of corporate, insurance, health care, compliance, technology, regulatory, and fraud law. Previous Positions in Health-care include HIPAA Project Executive, Independence Blue Cross, Philadelphia, PA where he led a team with a multi-million dollar budget to implement HIPAA Trans-actions, Privacy and Security requirements.
Kathleen McHugh, RN, has 30 years of nursing experience and is a national presenter and clinical specialist for Boston Scientific Corporation. She has extensive experience in leadership training and is a consultant to several health care organizations. She is also the expert nurse reviewer for ProMutual Group. Previous positions include VP for nursing in several hospitals and CEO of two home care companies.
Richard J. Croteau, MD is executive director for strategic initiatives at the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. In this capacity he is responsible for oversight and coordination of a number of accreditation process improvement activities and patient safety initiatives. Earlier appointments at the Joint Commission include vice president for Accreditation Services, director of Survey Technology, director of the Department of Interpretation, associate director in the Hospital Accreditation Program, and hospital surveyor.
Margaret Johnson, RN, MSM is project team leader for the Home Health Quality Initiative at MassPRO responsible for QI projects for improving client outcomes in the home health environment. Her role includes development of collaborative projects; collaboration with home health agencies; tracking project progress; and presentation of information on QI and specific projects to home health agencies, stakeholders, & opinion leaders.
Maureen E. Schnider, MS, RN, CPHQ is currently Vice President for Clinical Operations at Partners Home Care. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Boston College and a Masters Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing from Boston University. She has been in home care for over seventeen years, serving in the roles of Executive Director, Vice President for Quality/Compliance and her current position. Prior to coming to home care she was a Clincal Specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing.
The Hampton Inn
319 Speen St Natick, MA 01760
Tel: 1-508-653-5000 Fax: 1-508-651-9733
The Hampton Inn has blocked 10 rooms for attendees at a rate of $85.00 per night. Reservations must be made before 1/2/04. Mention MAHQ when reserving rooms.
Directions to The Hampton Inn:
Mass Turnpike (I-90) Exit 13.
(From Rte 495 take Mass Pike East, from Rte 95 take Mass Pike West)
Stay left thru toll. Bear left after tollbooth to Rte 30 East -Natick.
Make a right at light onto Speen St. Left after second stoplight.
MAHQ / NAHQ Member $85.00
Non-Member $155.00
Renew or Join & Attend $145.00
Please make checks payable to: MAHQ
And return by January 5, 2004 to:
39 B Grandview Ave
Quincy, MA 02170
“Quality Updates – 2004 and Beyond”
January 10, 2004
Natick, MA
Name ______________________________________________
RN _ CPHQ OTHER_________
Title ______________________________________________
Organization _______________________________________
Address/City/ZIP ____________________________________
Phone w: __________________________________________
h: ________________________________________________
email: ____________________________________________
Badge name:_______________________________________
MAHQ Member Non-Member __ Join/Renew & Attend
Breakout Sessions – Please circle to indicate your selections
Session I A. B. Session II A. B
TOTAL FEES ENCLOSED: __ (see above)
Please make check payable to MAHQ and send with this registration form to:
39 B Grandview Ave
Quincy, MA 02170
*Registrations MUST be received at MAHQ via mail by January 5, 2004. Registrations WILL NOT be accepted at the door without prior notification. No confirmations will be sent. Registration fees are due by deadline above. If a facility check cannot be cut before deadline, registrant should pay by personal check or cash by deadline and seek reimbursement by employer. Those registering or paying after deadlines above are subject to a $10 late fee. Cancellations must be made by 12:00 Noon on the deadline date for refund. No Shows and late cancellations are liable for entire registration fee. Participant substitutions may be made at any time. Contact Peggy McDonough, CPHQ at (866) 215-MAHQ (6247) for more information.