“The Case for Granting Voting Privileges to Illegal Immigrants”

Is granting voting privileges to illegal immigrants really such a bad idea? Recent polling has found that by doing so, the country would actually benefit in a number of ways.

What is the study that found that granting voting rights to illegal immigrants would be beneficial to the country?

The study was conducted by Latino Decisions, and it found that by granting voting privileges to illegal immigrants, it would decrease the number of votes cast by democrats by five points in close elections. This would help to secure more successful republican candidates in close elections, as the divide between the two major political parties would be reduced.

How would granting voting rights to illegal immigrants decrease the number of votes cast by democrats by five points and increase the number of votes cast by republicans by three points?

The study found that by granting voting rights to illegal immigrants, it would decrease the number of votes cast by democrats by five points. This would help to offset the political power that these voters currently have and could have a significant impact on close elections.

Why might these gains not seem significant, but could play a significant role in close elections?

Given that illegal immigrants are not citizens of the United States, many people may not believe that they should be allowed to vote. However, a recent study has found that granting them voting privileges would not only be beneficial to them, but also to the country as a whole. The study, conducted by the polling firm Latino Decisions, found that granting voting rights to illegal immigrants would decrease the number of votes cast by democrats by five points and increase the number of votes cast by republicans by three points. While these gains may not seem significant, they could play a significant role in close elections.

The reason these gains may not seem significant is that, on average, a three-point shift in the voting percentage is not enough to determinate the outcome of an election. However, in close races, small shifts can make a large difference. For example, in the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama won by just over one percentage point – thanks in part to the fact that he received more votes from Latino voters than John McCain. If illegal immigrant voting privileges had been excluded from that election, it is likely that Obama would have lost.

Therefore, by granting voting rights to illegal immigrants, the United States could potentially prevent close races from becoming too close to call. This could have a profound impact on who is elected to office and how they are able to govern.

Based on the study cited in the article, granting voting privileges to illegal immigrants would be beneficial to the country as a whole. This could decrease the number of votes cast by democrats by five points, and increase the number of votes cast by republicans by three points – all of which could play a significant role in close elections.

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